The UNPAA Structure

UNPAA is organized as follows:

-         A Board of Directors (BoD from now on in the text)
The Board of Directors acts as an independent body within the UNPAA organization.  The Board has a chief interest in the strategic matters pertaining the financial affairs of the UNPAA.  It has no involvement in the actual Accreditation procedures but, in the case of appeal, it has the power of one vote.  No member of the Board is also a member of the Commission for Accreditation.

-         A Commission for Accreditation Procedures (CAP from now on in the text).
It is responsible for the preparation of statements on the standards of the Associations and Guilds requesting accreditation.  It authorizes inspections to the Institutions, takes final decisions on Accreditation granting, appoints sub Committees for the vetting and the exploration of programs.
The Commission is made up of seven members plus the President who also acts as Chair at all the Meetings of the Commission.   The Chair is also the link between the BoD and CAP.

-         An Executive Panel. (EP from now on in the text).
It is the operative division of the UNPAA, made up by a panel of experts who control the areas on which they have competence.  Their opinion has to be made public to the Agency or Guild awaiting accreditation in a detailed report and measures to correct possible problems have to be suggested by the Panel together with a time frame in which the Institution has to carry out any possible amendments.
The number of experts within the Panel varies according to the task but the minimum number necessary to express a public opinion on any Association or Guild is three Members.  Any Member appointment has to be approved by the Chair of the CAP.

-         The Administration’s Office (AO from now on in the text)
The office is responsible for the appropriate reception and processing of documents, the maintenance of correct records and the contacts with applying Institutions on non specialized matters.